Annotation of the article

Issue N5 2017 year

DOI: 10.17587/nmst.19.259-265

The First Terahertz Quantum-Cascade Laser Fabricated in Russia

Alferov Zh.I., Rector, Zubov F.I., Senior Researcher, Cirlin G.E., Head of Laboratory, Zhukov A.E., Pro-rector, St. Petersburg National Research Academic University of RAS, Shchavruk N.V., Senior Researcher, V. G. Mokerov Institute of Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (IUHFSE RAS), Moscow, 117105, Russian Federation, Pavlov A.Yu., Researcher, Head of the Lab., Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kotel'nikov IRE RAS), Moscow, Ponomarev D.S., Deputy Director, Leading Scientific Researcher, e-mail:, Institute of Ultra-High-Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IUHFSE RAS), Moscow, Klochkov A.N., Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Lecturer, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Khabibullin R.A., Head of the Lab., Leading Scientific Researcher, Institute of Ultra-High-Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IUHFSE RAS), Moscow, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National University), Moscow, Maltsev P.P., Chief Researcher, e-mail:, IUHFSE RAS

The first terahertz quantum-cascade laser (THz QCL) made in Russia in collaboration between SPbAU RAS and IUHFSE RAS was demonstrated. The design of the active region of THz QCL based on the three quantum wells with the resonant-phonon depopulation scheme was proposed. A molecular beam epitaxy growth of the multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures (228 cascades) was developed. Studies of I-V and of the emission characteristics of the fabricated THz QCL conducted in IPM RAS confirmed the nature of the stimulated emission in the test devices. The postgrowth processing was tested on the heterostructures from Trion Technology Co. (USA).

Keywords: quantum-cascade lasers, terahertz range, GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures, tunnel-coupled quantum wells, resonant-phonon scheme

pp. 259 - 265