
The analysis of modern status of technique of new generations and "critical technologies" in a number of the most
developed countries allows to make the conclusion that from the beginning of 90th years "microsystem technology"
(MST) is the most dynamically developed technology directed on the creation of a new technological trend that is
"microsystems engineering" (MSE).
Microsystem engineering (MSE) determines a new revolution in the field of systems realizable on microlevels and
ensuring operation not only in conditions of a fixed solid state, but also when an object (part of an object) of
microsystem engineering or environment contacting with it are in mutual time-space dynamics.
In this concept, the integration of modern technology of mass production, appropriate to microelectronics, into a
production of traditional devices and mechanisms of increased complexity, characteristic for radio engineering,
optics, machine building, device building and biomedicine is new. This combination allows to make unique multifunction
devices in microsizes and low cost.
The development of microsystem engineering for technological progress can have the same consequences as the
appearance of microelectronics on the becoming and modern status of leading branches of science and engineering.
The task of the journal is to illuminate the modern status, perspectives and development trends of microsystem engineering,
to consider the problems of development and embedding microsystems in different areas of science, technology and production.
The systematization of the basic problems of microsystem engineering can be conducted in following directions
and submitted in following rubrics:
- information technologies, designing and simulation of MSE objects (SAD of MSE objects, simulation of MSE
objects and their production in view of scaling effect);
- material and MSE technological fundamentals (traditional and perspective materials for MSE objects:
materials of surface and volumetric micromechanics, adaptive ("clever") materials; MSE special technologies:
LIGA-technology, particle-beam (X-ray) microforming, fiberglass technology, nanotechnology, molecular electronics);
- MSE element base (sensors and transducers of physical quantities, chemical elements, biological materials;
executive units - micromechanisms, microtool; power and motion sources - micrengines, microturbine; air- and auto
electronic components);
- types of microsystems (microelectromechanical, microptomechanical and biotechnical microsystems; biochips;
power supply microsystems; technological microsystems; mini- and microrobotic systems);
- application of MSE objects (designing of devices and machines - macrosystems with MSE element base; assembly of
macrosystems on the basis of MSE element base; testing, certification and exploitation of macrosystems based on MSE);
- information(conferences, meetings, exhibition, science and engineering news , reviews of special literature etc.).
The Journal is delivered only at a subscription.
You can subscribe to the journal:
- in any post offices by the catalog "Rospechat", index 79493;
- by the Integrated catalog, index 27849.
An aboard subscription is accepted by:
- CJSC "MK-Periodika";
- JSC "Nauka International".
From 2014 the full-text of articles translated into English is available in section "Search the articles".