- Nanotech Europe 2009
- The 14th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference (CSTC-2009) and the 4th Nano & Giga Forum (NGC-2009 - Nano & Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics, and Renewable Energy).
- http://www.ioffe.ru/natoarw/2009/ 29 June –02 July, 2009
- Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS
- 5th International Technology Transfer Days BIOMATERIAL 2009
- COMS - Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems Conference, 31st August - 4th September 2008, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- ICCE - Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems International, 3rd - 5th June 2008, Hong Kong, China
- The Fourth International Conference on "Science and Business": NanoBio and Related New and Perspective Biotechnologies Pushchino Biological Center of Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Region, Russia, October 15 - 18, 2007.
- MicroNanoWorld
- SYMPOSIUM on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS
- Micro-Nano Technologies for Aerospace Applications From Concepts to Systems.
- 20th Eurosensors Conference Anniversary
- Symposium and School on Nano
and Giga Challenges in Electronics and Photonics: from Atoms to Materials to Devices to System Architecture - MEMS & MST Conference
- I A R P
International Advanced Robotics Programme - 10th International Conference on the Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems
COMS 2005 - ICMNE 2005 QI-2005
International Conference “Micro-& nanoelectronics-2005” and International Symposium “Quantum Informatics – 2005” - Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS / MOEMS
- International Congress of Nanotechnology 2004
- PEM-2004
Ninth International Science Conference "Actual Problems of Solid-State Electronics and Microelectronics" - Int'l Workshop on MEMS and NANOTECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION (MNI): APPLICATIONS
Advanced Research Workshop Science and Technology of Semiconductor-On-Insulator structures and devices operating in a harsh environment - Symposium on Desigen, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS / MOEMS 2004
- European Micro and Nano systems 2004
- MANCEF - Micro and Nanotechnology Commercialization Education Foundation
- IEE Proceedings – Science, Measurement and Technology
- 10th Saint Petersburg international conference on integrated navigation systems
- Word Microtechnologies Congress "MICRO.tec 2003"
- Nanotechnology Conference and Tradeshow "NanoTech 2003"
- International conference on microrobots, micromachines and microsystems
- Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS / MOEMS
- IV International scientific-technical conference "Electronics and information science - 2002"
IV International scientific-technical conference "Electronics and information science - 2002"
Will be held on November 19-22, 2002 at Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University).
You are cordially invited to participate in the work of the conference.
Scientific topics of the Conference work (for sessions):
- physics and technology of micro- and nanoelectronics;
- electronic engineering materials;
- design of electronic components and systems;
- microsystems and mycromechanics;
- information and control systems;
- telecommunications systems and communication;
- biomedical electronics;
- ecological aspects of micro- and nanoelectronics;
- management and marketing in electronics and information science.
Those wishing to participate in the work of the conference are requested to send no later than September 10, 2002 to the
conference committee the following materials:
- paper summary, by E-mail;
- biographical sketch in 1 copy (indicating, first, paper title, name of author and number of session out of given above list);
- full name of organization (abbreviation in brackets);
- full name of author (s) indicating position, scientific degree and academic status;
- mailing address and E-mail address.
Following formal acceptance of the paper an author will be notified no later than October 1 by E-mail or fax.
Participants of the Conference will bear the transport, living and accommodation expenses.
On agreement the reservation of suits at the hotels of Zelenograd and MIET is possible.
Conference committee address:
Conference "ElInf-2002", Scientific-Technical Information Department, Moscow State Institute of Electronic
Engineering (MIEE), 124498, Russia.
Telephone: (095) 532-9830
Fax: (095) 530-54-29
E-mail: netadm@miee.ru
Executive secretary Kharach Valentina Pavlovna.
Requirements for preparation of paper summaries:
The summary text should be published in an author's version in the language of an original, without editor's correcting provided
that the below listed requirements are observed:
- the summary volume will be 1 or 2 full pages of the text (including figures and references) prepared
on PC in the text editor MS Word (97, 98, 2000) or a more recent version;
- it should be printed as follows: first, the title in small letters with the first capital letter in the center without any word divisions,
by bold type; then below, after one line, in the center - the initials and the family names with the first capital letter; then - by small
letters (italics) and in the next line in round brackets - the full name of an organization and the E-mail address of authors with the first
capital letter; then by small letters (italics) and after one line the - the paper text;
- the text should be formatted and printed out on a laser printer on white paper of A4 (297x210) format, besides, the text
margin should be 240x155 mm, the parameters of the page margins are as follows: the upper margin - 30mm, the lower margin - 30mm,
the left margin - 35mm, the right margin - 20mm;
- the type - Times New Roman Cyr (or similar), 13 point;
- the distance between lines - single;
- the centered line - 1cm;
- the text should be width aligned;
- while typesetting the point should correspond to that of the main text one;
- figures should be made using computer graphics in Corel Draw 9.0, 10.0 editor;
- the authors are kindly requested before sending the summaries of the papers to check on the virus absence in the electronic copies.