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Издательство "Новые технологии"
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Московский государственный институт радиотехники, электроники и автоматики (технический университет)"
Институт сверхвысокочастотной полупроводниковой электроники РАН
Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет «ЛЭТИ» им. В.И. Ульянова (Ленина) СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ»
Южный федеральный университет
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский университет «Московский институт электронной техники».
НПК «Технологический центр»
Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина
Томский государственный университет систем управления и радиоэлектроники
Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет
Новосибирский государственный технический университет
Сибирский федеральный университет
Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет
Дагестанский государственный технический университет
To the Authors

Dear Authors!

While preparing the manuscripts of the articles we ask you to be guided by the following recommendations.

The volume of the article offered to the publication should not exceed 15 pages (of the format A4) in two intervals (not more then 30 lines and 60 signs in a line on a page, the size of a type is from 12 to 14). In some cases, by the decision of the editorial board, the size of the article can be increased. Pages of the manuscript should be numbered, starting with the first one. The specified size of articles includes: text, appendices, illustrations, The following items are presented to the editorial office:

  • The author's initials and surname (in bold centered) title, position, email
  • Company name (no abbreviations), city (if more than one, then the list of all relevant organisations with footnotes following the names of the authors; in the case of matching jobs, authors need to specify it)
  • Title of the article (in bold, centered) not more than 12 words
  • Abstract (5-7 lines), in the most compact form setting out the essence of the work and the results obtained
  • Keywords (8-10 words), most meaningful words
  • The text of the article according to the requirements of its layout
  • A list of references
  • Information on the article in English.

The regulations for reviewing the manuscript submitted for publication in the Journal can be found here.

The article should be structured, i.e. should include sections with titles, which briefly and accurately reflect their contents.

The text of the article should follow the conventional terminology, and all used special terms, signs and abbreviations should be expanded and clarified. Formulas should be typed clearly in compliance with the spelling differences in uppercase and lowercase letters, and the letters that are similar in shape. Indexes and powers should be written strictly above or below the line. In the formulae, Russian and Greek letters should be straight, and Latin letters for scalar variables should be in italic. Values denoting vectors and matrices should be in bold and straight (the whole set of values stated in Latin letters, including matrices and vectors, may be in italic). The transposition sign should be typed as the letter 'С‚' horizontal line in superscript; the exhibitor as the letter 'e' in bold. Standard mathematical notations (such as max, log, sin, etc.) should be typed straight. Formula numbers should be typed straight and in parentheses. Numbering of formulae should be cross-cutting and given in the order of their appearance; only those formulae that are referenced in the text should be numbered.

The illustrations are executed with the account of their consequent reproduction by means of operating polygraphy: drawings (delineations, schemes, schedules, figures) are executed with the help of a program using graphic editors.

The list of literature is made according to the order of the references in the text and is made out as follows:

  • for the book of the collections it is obligatory to point out a surname and initials of the authors, full title of the book (the collection), city, publishing house, the year and it is desirable a total number of pages;
  • for the journal articles it is obligatory to point out a surname and initials of the authors, a title of the article, a title of the journal, the year, a volume, its number and the numbers of pages;
  • if the number of the authors is more than four, then it is necessary to indicate the names of the first three authors with the following word: "ad. al.";
  • it is necessary to write the references to the foreign literature in the original language without any reductions.

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