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In the field of Microsystems technology (MST), terminology is not well-established yet and standards in Microsystems (MS) are only beginning to shape. In Europe, term “Microsystems technology” (MST) is normally used, which can be translated into Russian as “микросистемная технология”. Besides, Microsystems technology is used as a more general term that includes integrated circuits and systems, MEMS, microfluidics, electronic and photonic devices, molecular and nanotechnology.

Several definitions of the microsystem exist. In European periodicals, MS is usually defined as follows: “A microsystem is an intelligent miniaturized system comprising sensing, processing and/or actuating functions. These would normally combine two or more of the following: electrical, mechanical, optical, chemical, biological, magnetic, or other properties, integrated onto a single or multichip hybrid”.
In the US, the term “ Microelectromechanical Systems” (MEMS) is commonly used: “ Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are integrated microdevices or systems combining electrical and mechanical components.They're fabricated using integrated circuit batch processing techniques and range in size from micrometers to millimeters. Applications include accelerometers, pressure, chemical and flow sensors, micro-optics, optical scanners, and fluid pumps. In general, MEMS consist of mechanical microstructures, microsensors, microactuators, and electronics integrated in the same environment”. In Japan, the termes mechatronics or micromachines prevail: “micromachines are composed of functional elements only a few millimeters in size and are capable of performing complex microscopic tasks”.
Each of these definitions emphasizes one of the principal properties of MS – its size, complexity, interaction with the ambient, etc. Such difference in terminology forced western experts to offer for MEMS, MST and MM the generalizing acronym M. This interesting suggestion, also reflecting potential three-dimensionality of the microsystem devices, is unlikely to become common practice without compulsory standardization measures. Moreover, new terms keep appearing: microelectrochemical systems (MECHS), Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), Micronanotechnologies (MNT) etc. The NEXUS company introduced two concepts (terms): “microtechnology” и “microstructuring”. Both terms refer to material treatment aimed at fabrication of microcomponents of several microns in size. Based on the mentioned above, the following definition of MS is suggested: “Microsystem is a combination of several microcomponents, optimized as an entire system, to provide one or several functions, and usually including microelectronics”.

This definition correlates with the definition of МСТ, that, in our opinion, is excessively broad. It can be difficult to find English analogs to some Russian terms. So, the terms MS and MEMS practically have a single meaning in both languages, but the Russian term “микросистемная техника” can be translated in several different ways. Let us refer to widely used literature to find a proper definition for the term “микросистемная техника” in English. First of all, let us use [1, 2].

For instance, on page 248 of [1], it says:

engineering – техника, технология:
circuitry engineering – схемотехника,
computer engineering – вычислительная техника,
electrical engineering – электротехника,
electronic engineering – электронная техника,
IC engineering – технология интегральных схем (ИС),
optical engineering – техническая оптика,
radio engineering – радиотехника,
systems engineering – системотехника.

Similar translation of these terms is given in [2], volume 1, p. 412.

One should note that the term engineering can be translated as “техника” only when it refers to a discipline, for instance, department of electrical engineering – кафедра электотехники. When talking about the final product, especially in microelectronics, one can use terms “device” or “component”.

If we intend to use the term “микросистемная техника” with the meaning similar to that of electrical engineering – электротехника, electronic engineering – электронная техника, radio engineering – радиотехника, which is the design process and the discipline, the term microsystems engineering - микросистемная техника would suite the purpose.

Consider the term given in [1] on page 604:
technology – 1. техника, 2. технология:
communication technology – техника связи,
computer technology – вычислительная техника,
information technology – информационная техника,
measurement technology – измерительная техника,
solid-state technology – твердотельная технология,
space technology – космическая техника.

In spite of the fact that the English term “technology” exists, all these terms are translated primarily as “техника” [1, 2], and can also be translated as “технология” [2] (in respective industries). Besides, the term “вычислительная техника” can be translated using two English terms – computers and computer engineering.
Probably, similar approach can be applied to the term “микросистемная техника”, i.e. using two terms in English. Consider one more term in [1], on page 602:
technique – 1. метод, способ; (технологический) прием; 2. технология:
integrated technique –интегральная технология,
microelectronic technique – микроэлектронная технология,
simulation technique – метод моделирования,
solid-state technique – твердотельная технология,
testing technique – методика испытаний,
thick-film technique – толстопленочная технология,
thin-film technique – тонкопленочная технология.
Note that the term “твердотельная технология” can be translated as [1] - solid-state technology (p. 604) and as solid-state technique (p. 602). Moreover, the term “technique” itself is quite frequently used to refer to technologies, including microelectronic technique – микроэлектронная технология and integrated technique – интегральная технология.
More translations of this term are given in [2] Vol. 2, p. 500:
technique – 1. техника; методика; метод; способ; 2. технология; (технологический) прием; 3. алгоритм; 4. оборудование, технические средства; техника.
Taking into account that, on one hand, the term “technique” means “техника” (particular equipment) and also “технологии”, close in implementation to microsystems – microelectronic and integral, while, on the other hand, resembles the word “техника” when written or pronounced, it is reasonable to translate the name of the journal “Микросистемная техника” as “Microsystem technique”.
Since 2004 г., a new term “наносистемная техника” has been used in Russia, reflecting development of nanotechnologies for microsystem devices, which can also be translated as “Nanosystem technique”.
Therefore, it would be appropriate to interpret the new name of the journal “Нано- и микросистемная техника” as «Journal of NANO and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUE»
In Russia, the term “микросистемная техника” has been used in official papers after «The list of critical technologies of Federal level» passed in 1996. In the “List of critical technologies of the Russian Federation”, approved by the president of the Russian Federation on March 30, 2002, microsystem technique is included as an independent critical technology, defined as “Subminiature devices, equipment, and machinery with earlier unachievable weigth, dimensions, power, and functional characteristics, created by integral group economically effective processes of micro- and nanotechnology».
Note that, that the term “Microsystem technique (MST)” can be used to translate into English the term “микросистемная техника” in the List. It is important to note that, in this case, acronym MST also stands for “Microsystems technology”, which gives it even more general meaning.
Taking into account that in 2000 Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation launched a graduate program for a new engineering specialization, namely, 210108 (201900) “Микросистемная техника” within the framework of graduate program 210100 (654100) “Электроника и микроэлектроника”; order dated March 02, 2000, № 686, it would be reasonable to use the following translation: 210108 (201900) “Microsystems engineering” (similar to electrical engineering – электротехника, electronic engineering – электронная техника, radio engineering – радиотехника). In this case, the interpretation would include the design, creation and the specialization.

1. Ф.В. Лисовский, И.К. Калугин. Англо-русский словарь по радиоэлектронике. Около 63 000 терминов. – 3-е изд., стереотип. М.: РУССО, 1999. - 752 C.
2. Большом англо-русском политехническом словаре: В 2 т. Около 200 000 терминов / С..М. Борковский, А.Б. Борковский. В.А. Владимиров и др. – 5-е изд., стереотип. М.: РУССО, 2001. Т. 1. - 704 С., Т. 1. - 720 С.
3. Лучинин В.В., Мальцев П.П. О термине «Микросистемная техника» в русском и английском языках. /«Нано- и микросистемная техника», 2006, № 2. – С. 39 – 41.

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