- An account of electromagnetic and temperature fields by a finite element method
- Semiconducting superlattices: properties, application
- Constantly operating international scientific and technical conference «Technology of Micro- and Nanoelectronics in Micro- and Nanosystem Technology» was organized (new!)
The concluding articles recommended by the Organizing Committee of the Conference were published in journal Nano- and Microsystem Technology:
- 2011, №12 (2d International STC, October, 13-14, 2011) eng/files/full/mc201112.pdf
- 2014, №6 (4th International STC, March, 27-28, 2014) eng/files/full/mc201406.pdf
- 2016, №9 (5th International STC, April, 13-15, 2016) eng/full.shtml